Published Mar 22, 2015
412 Posts
I'll be relocating to the Baltimore area in a few months. I'm trying to gather information on jobs and housing. Any information you can provide will be helpful.
-What are the best areas/suburbs to live in around Baltimore?
-Which hospitals in the University of Maryland healthcare system are the nicest to work at?
-Are there other major hospitals or hospital systems to that I should consider working at?
-What pay rate can I expect with 5 yrs experience primarily in med surg?
-Are hospitals in this area represented by a union?
Background info: I'll be moving from Los Angeles. My boyfriend got a job at the University of Maryland Medical Center so I will be looking for jobs around that area. I'm sure his job will provide information on relocation assistance but I would like to get real perspectives on living in Baltimore. I'm nervous about what to expect with nursing in Maryland; scared that I may have to take a significant pay cut and I'm not sure that the cost of living is that much lower. We have ratios in CA. pt:nurse is 5:1, my unit keeps it 4:1. My hospital is not union, so pay is not the best for this area but I was able to make 6 figures with minimal over time (1-2 extra shifts per month).
Any information you can tell me about the best places to work and live would be great! Thanks.