Nursing IT Awards Nomination Reminders


Specializes in Informatics, Education, and Oncology.

Nursing I.T. Award Nominations Due January 5, 2009

Health Data Management is accepting nominations for its fourth annualNursing Information Technology Innovation Award. The deadline forentries is Jan. 5, 2009.

The award recognizes innovation and excellence in using informationtechnology in the field of nursing to directly improve the quality ofcare/patient safety and/or promote the effective use of nursingresources. The co-sponsor of the award is CARING, the nation's largesteducational and networking group for nurses interested in health care information technology.

The award will be presented to a team of nursing professionals at ahealth care organization (hospital, physician group practice or anyother care-giving site). At least one of the primary coordinators of theI.T. project must be a nurse. The project must be ongoing.

To qualify for this award, a health care organization must submit anessay with detailed information on the nursing information technologyproject and the specific, measurable results of that project. Thecontribution of nurses to the innovative project must be clearly identified.

Judges, who will include nurses, will interview finalists by phonebefore determining the award recipient. The winner will be notified by January 31. The April issue of the magazine will include a story on the winning organization and runners-up.

To enter, submit a document attached to an e-mail to

howard.anderson@sourcemedia .com.

At the top of the document, list the following:

* Name of organization and address

* Description of size of organization (total physicians, total inpatientlicensed beds, etc.) * Name of key nurse(s) involved in the project, and their roles.

* Name of person who prepared the nomination and contact information(phone and e-mail)

* Name of senior executive with organization who could be available toanswer questions, and contact information.

Entrants should prepare an essay of up to 1,000 words answering thefollowing three questions:

1. What is the nursing I.T. project that is worthy of recognition?Precisely identify the technology involved.

2. What is innovative/groundbreaking about the project?

3. What are the measurable results/outcomes of the project? Be asspecific and detailed as possible.

Examples of results can include: achieving tangible improvements in thequality of care; reducing the time nurses spend on non-care activitiesby automating tasks; and improving workload management throughtelehealth technologies and other systems.

In addition, the essay should describe the contribution of nurse(s) tothe project and whether the nurse(s) was the project leader, productmanager, trainer, implementer or executive sponsor.

Questions about the award should be e-mailed [email protected] mailto:[email protected]>

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