Phone interview/thank you note/terrified new grad nurse!

Nurses Job Hunt


Hi! I'm a long time lurker, first time poster.

I am a brand new nurse (licensed as of yesterday!!) and have a second interview tomorrow with the DON on a PCU floor. I really want to work PCU and I have prepared a list of questions with answers that I'm assuming she may ask me. My first interview was with HR, and the HR woman said the DON would be very thorough. I am so scared she's going to ask me case study type questions and I am going to draw a blank! This is my first professional interview!

Anyway, I was wondering, I live about 900 mile away, and I want to show my gratitude to the DON. Would sending a thank you not via snail mail take too long to get there/be inappropriately late? I just like the personal touch of snail mail over email.

Also, if you have ANY tips for me, send them my way!

I know all hospitals are different, but in your experience who would be the next person I would interview with? The nursing manager in person once I move up there?

Thanks for all your help!

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