Published Apr 13, 2012
1,301 Posts
The article above really demonstrates that nursing is coming into its own in the HIT leader world. This should give those of you considering nursing informatics hope and aspirations.
186 Posts
It will be interesting to see where this goes. My facility has had the CMIO position come and go and currently has a CIO and a Chief Clinical Informatics Officer (currently an RN that reports to the CIO). I like the sound of the idea of a CNIO, but I'm not sure if that type of position would need to live at the executive level.
rninformatics, DNP, RN
1,280 Posts
Funny you should mention this topic. In the trade papers, at the annual HIMSS Nursing Informatics and at the annual ANIA conferences this has been and is a very HOT topic - leadership and the CNIO
HIMSS survey: Give it up for the CNIO - Health IT Pulse
CNIO position on the rise | Healthcare IT News
Healthcare IT News - March 2012
Excellent recent example description/requirements for the role:
Chief Nursing Informatics Officer (CNIO) : 1st Solution USA
46 Posts
I also listened to the presentation at HIMSS Nursing Symposium. Although it was an excellent presentation and the findings of the study very informative, it did not cover any nursing informatics leaders outside of healthcare agencies. For example, the research did not address any of the nursing informatics leaders that work within the vendor community. They, more than most NIS leaders in healthcare agencies, have more impact on the quality, focus, and vision of healthcare information systems since the majority of such systems used in hospitals are designed/built by vendors. But, I certainly enjoyed the research findings and very much applaud the research team and their funders for ground breaking research. I hope that future research will expand to look at the role of nursing informatics leaders in the vendor organizations.
Agreed Mariafh,
An excellent potential research topic for those of you in grad school
Nursing informatics is really catching attention:
Informatics & the Future of Nursing Practice on ADVANCE for Nurses