nursing homes


I'm relocating to Phoenix in the spring and it seems that all the jobs that were being offered at hospitals are not going to be available any time soon. I have nearly 14 years acute care experience, MS, ED, tele, shift supervisor,mentoring etc. and have done some moon lighting at nursing homes. My questions, what are the names of some that are hiring, what can I expect as far as pay, any other info? Location is flexible as we plan to rent for a few months and I really just need some income and benefits.

Also are there any hospitals still hiring experienced nurses. I would do ICU or PACU in addition to the others listed but would need a few months orienting.

From what I understand there are still jobs for experienced nurses. I'm not a nurse, but I do frequent this forum and look at the want ads. Looks like jobs are still available. Are you an RN or LPN?

From what I understand there are still jobs for experienced nurses. I'm not a nurse, but I do frequent this forum and look at the want ads. Looks like jobs are still available. Are you an RN or LPN?

RN but hospital jobs are scarce. I swore I was done with ER due to the pace and my nearing 50 but I may have no choice. The jobs advertised may have been paid for a few months ago and that's why the ads still run but I've contacted the recruiters I've been working with and things are tight. I wonder if there are still a lot of foreign nurses working on visas. If so my opinion is that they should be first to be let go and citizens given the jobs. They were brought to cover shortages and if there's no longer a shortage the reason for their obtaining a visa is no longer valid. Too many new nurses that can't get jobs to allow foreign workers who send much of their pay out of the country.

No one is hiring. There is a hiring freeze state wide. Arizona state government cut their funds this year to the hospitals. The hospital I work at, AZ state isn't going to give us the yearly 10 million dollars to compensate for all the illegals and unisured that come into our hospital. Next step is to stop treating illegals unless they are unstable like back in 1993. It's very annoying. Future doesn't look bright. We got an email yesterday from our hospital president saying there is a hiring freeze and there won't be any raises for at least one year. George Bush and Friends really did a number on this country didn't they? So did American Greed. I saw an article the other day saying that illegal alien crossing over the border has been the lowest since 1973. When illegals stop crossing the border then you know it's bad.

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