Nursing diagnosis for a patient with endocrine problem

Nursing Students General Students


What nursing diagnosis can be used for a patient w/ endocrine problem?

Any website where i could get samples of full nursing care plans? thanks for the help.

Specializes in med/surg, telemetry, IV therapy, mgmt.

what nursing diagnosis can be used for a patient w/ endocrine problem?

there are currently 206 nursing diagnoses. it could be any one or more of them based upon the symptoms the patient has, none of which you listed. nursing diagnosis, like medical diagnosis, is based upon determining what the person's signs and symptoms (defining characteristics) are first before assigning a name (nursing diagnosis label) to them. if you have a copy of
taber's cyclopedic medical dictionary
you will find all kinds of information about nursing diagnoses in its appendix including a cross reference of medical diseases, signs and symptoms linked to nursing diagnoses. a similar list exists in the front of the current edition of betty j. ackley and gail b. ladwig's
nursing diagnosis handbook: a guide to planning care

any website where i could get samples of full nursing care plans?

very few exist, but these are some that are known. remember what the word "plagiarism" means and endeavor to keep each of your care plans your own work.

if you take the time to learn to use the nursing process to diagnose and construct a care plan it will pay off in so many ways beside just helping to develop care plans that you cannot imagine.

there is information on the construction of care plans on this thread:
help with care plans

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