Nursing Christmas poem for nurses


>T'was the week before Christmas

> & all through the floor,

>The Lasix was filling the foley's galore.

>Stockings were worn, to prevent emboli,

>They came in two sizes: knee, and thigh-high.


>The patients were nestled half-assed in their beds,

>While visions of stool softeners danced in their heads.

>We in our scrubs, and they in their gowns,

>Fashions created to hide extra pounds.


>When down in E.R. it became such a zoo,

>They called with admissions, for me and for you.

>They're coming, they're going, they're looking the same,

>My patience for patients is starting to wane.


>Another call light is ringing, the patient expounds,

>"I have not had my peri-care, please send someone down."

>About now delegation seems a good plan,

>We pass onto others, the needs of this man.


>When what to my wondering eyes should appear,

>But Santa himself, and 8 tiny reindeer.

>He states that he came from Central Supply,

>To bring us LR, NS, and D5.


>The doctor then scribbles what no one could read,

>Orders instruct us to measure their pee.

>As we try to decipher illegible words,

>We find a new order to guaiac their turds.


>The next shift arrives, our day is now through,

>Only to discover emesis inside of our shoe!

>We give them report and pass on the facts,

>And tell them of duoderm lining the cracks.


>And the Nurses exclaimed as they drove out of site,

>Let there be Ambien for all, and to all a good night!


Specializes in Neuro ICU and Med Surg.

This is cute. My boss sent this to all of us through email. :lol2:

Specializes in cardiac med-surg.

HaHa that is awesome. I like the one i read about the Night b4 finals that one is funny also.

Specializes in Long Term Care.


>T'was the week before Christmas

> & all through the floor,

>The Lasix was filling the foley's galore.

>Stockings were worn, to prevent emboli,

>They came in two sizes: knee, and thigh-high.


>The patients were nestled half-assed in their beds,

>While visions of stool softeners danced in their heads.

>We in our scrubs, and they in their gowns,

>Fashions created to hide extra pounds.


>When down in E.R. it became such a zoo,

>They called with admissions, for me and for you.

>They're coming, they're going, they're looking the same,

>My patience for patients is starting to wane.


>Another call light is ringing, the patient expounds,

>"I have not had my peri-care, please send someone down."

>About now delegation seems a good plan,

>We pass onto others, the needs of this man.


>When what to my wondering eyes should appear,

>But Santa himself, and 8 tiny reindeer.

>He states that he came from Central Supply,

>To bring us LR, NS, and D5.


>The doctor then scribbles what no one could read,

>Orders instruct us to measure their pee.

>As we try to decipher illegible words,

>We find a new order to guaiac their turds.


>The next shift arrives, our day is now through,

>Only to discover emesis inside of our shoe!

>We give them report and pass on the facts,

>And tell them of duoderm lining the cracks.


>And the Nurses exclaimed as they drove out of site,

>Let there be Ambien for all, and to all a good night!


That was really cute!! Thanks:lol2:

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