I have a pt who has BPH and is can't void by himself at all. He gets daily bladder scans and caths to empty his bladder. He is in acute renal failure and is scheduled for a TURP next week. I have (obviously) decided on urinary retention as the primary nursing dx. I am having trouble coming up with goals for this patient other than preventing UTI's. All of the diagnosis books' goals/outcomes seem geared at helping the pt to void or preventing the retention in the first place. It seems pointless to put goals such as "pt will demonstrate consistent ability to urinate" etc as he is physiologically unable to do so. On our nursing care plans in says "GOALS - how would you know this is no longer a problem?" So I thought putting something like "Pt will undergo surgery successfully". If he did that, it would def. solve the problem and then I could do interventions like teaching about the surgery, assessing the things that may need to be changed (meds etc) to enter surgery. etc. But then I thought - that's probably a whole other nursing dx altogether. Any thoughts are appreciated.