Nursing Assessments per Complaint


Are there any pocket books or regular books that go over exactly what you would assess/ask, say if the patient comes in with difficulty breathing.

Example: Difficulty breathing

listen to breath sounds

observe use of accessory muscles

capilary refill

questions to ask patient:

When did this begin?

What causes your breathing to be more difficult?

What were you doing when you had onset of symptoms?


Are there any pocket books or regular books that go over exactly what you would assess/ask, say if the patient comes in with difficulty breathing. With possible Dx and Rx.

Example: Difficulty breathing

listen to breath sounds

observe use of accessory muscles

capillary refill

questions to ask patient:

When did this begin?

What causes your breathing to be more difficult? What were you doing when you had onset of symptoms?

Do you smoke?

If so how many packs per day?

How many years have you been a smoker?


Specializes in Complex pedi to LTC/SA & now a manager.
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