Nursing advice?

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I have just started taking some courses at school for pre-nursing. I am wondering if this is the right field for me. I think I would very much enjoy spending my time taking care of others but I can't hardly stand to be around someone when they are throwing up. I know that might sound weird but I can't help it. My mother (who is a CNA) tells me that in time I will get used to it but I don't think I will. It took me about 5 years just to be able to be around my daughter much less clean up after her when she threw up. Are their any careers in nursing where I can care for patients where I don't have to deal with vomit on a daily basis? Maybe on the ICU department? Also when you do your clinicals do you get to choose where you want to do them, and what sort of things do you see? Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated. Also you may personally email me at [email protected]. Thanks!

Hi tlchapman...I certainly can empathize with your plight. You sound exactly like I sounded a few years ago. I really had a strong desire to go into nursing, but I also had a really weak stomach. It turns out though that people are mostly right when they say that you'll get used to it (different gross stuff I mean). I don't know how it happens... maybe it's just the constant exposure to things, or maybe it's that you start to look at things differently - like instead of just thinking "Oh gross, PUKE" you start to thing "Hmm, my patient's getting nauseated....what could be causing that? what can I do to relieve it? how can I make him/her more comfortable?" It's weird, but true. You just start to gradually get over it. Now, having said that, I must also say that there is still one thing that gets to me, and sends shivers up my spine. I can deal with blood, vomit, *poop*, sputum, etc., but I absolutely have no tolerance for broken bones stories ( I mean, I can't stand to have a patient tell me how they heard the bone snap and how they then saw their limb at a right angle in a place that should be angle-free ). That's a weird hang-up, I know, but I can't help it.

As far as trying to opt out of those unpleasant situations, maybe if you were involved in psych nursing mostly or perhaps community health nursing. I don't know.

Clinical sites are pretty much a school by school thing. In the area I go to school, we must have more than a hundred nearby facilities. During each semester, about 4 different sites are on our rotation, and we can request a specific facility, but don't have a guarantee of getting our first choice. You see the same things at each, most of us just have preferences based on travel time. You don't really get a choice as to what things you want to see. I mean, your instructors should do their best to see that you are exposed to a wide variety of experiences.

Thank you crnasomeday. That was helpful to me. I guess I am a little scared and overwhelmed about everything. people don't understand that nursing isn't easy. It is very challenging but at the same time it is rewarding. We'll see what happens.

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