high turnover hallmark of disrespectful work enviroment

Nurses Activism


The problem is much more involved that just disrespect. In our healthcare system, admin is rewarded for dysfunctional and bullying behaviors; in fact, it is considered the "norm." Other countries have recognized how toxic and costly this is to the workplace. The US is only just beginning to be aware as we tackle the causes of school shootings and the health effects of workers who are subjected to it. To idenity a toxic work environment, look at the following factors, and take some time to educate yourself about workplace bullying, so that we can start eliminating it in the healthcare system.

rate of staff turnover

amount of sick leave

number of stress breakdowns

number of deaths in service

number of ill-health retirements

number of early retirements

number of uses of disciplinary procedures

number of grievances initiated

number of suspensions

number of dismissals

number of uses of private security firms to snoop on employees

number of times the employer is involved in industrial tribunals or legal action against employees


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