Nurses at University Medical Center vote to unionize, a Louisiana first

Nurses Activism




LCMC Health's University Medical Center nurses voted to join National Nurses United, the largest U.S. union for registered nurses, after a three-day vote that ended Saturday night.

The union will be Louisiana's first among health care workers. It is also one of the state's largest, with 598 eligible members. 


Nurses at University Medical Center vote to unionize, a Louisiana first

Specializes in ICU.

Good for them to try to make a change  because nurses working in the South needs better pay and working environment. But not all unions are great, really depends on their priorities and how they're going to fight for their nurses. I'm in the middle of the road about unions because of this. Unions in California and mainly the West Coast are great, unions in the Midwest not so much.


Yes, I agree. Please reach out to Nurse United. In my opinion, all nurses should be in a collective professional union, like actors and entertainment professionals

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