Published Apr 19, 2007
Florence NightinFAIL, BSN, RN
276 Posts
i'm a pre-nursing student and i enjoy reading blogs by student nurses and rns so that i could see what their experiences are and just find it really interesting. so far i've come across these nurse/student nurse blogs (links from nurse ratcheds). share the ones you know that aren't included here.
a fledging nurse
a place i call home
about a nurse
at your cervix
blissful entropy
chocolate and raspberries
code pink
crass-pollination: nurse kelly's er blog
deacon barry
dead nurse walking
did i just say that out loud????
digital doorway
disappearingjohn rn
dust in the wind
fetch, gal, fetch!
focused insanity
halfway up the stairs
it's a nursing thing
livin' large
madness: tales of an emergency room nurse
mr. code brown
not nurse ratched
nurse healers
nurse william
nursing in the hole
nursing, life, cooking, twins, politics, curiosities
ponies from betelgeuse
protect the airway
rn wannabe
stethoscopes and diapers
still groggy from gas
student nurse jack
tales of a bohemian road nurse
tales of a student nurse
till i run out of road
the angry nurse!
the kronicles of kris
another list (some are repeated, too tired to edit)
a nurse who knits
a silent blabber
adrenalin rush
ants marching
aunt pickle
cosmic watercooler
creature 57
day by day adventures of the pd warrior
days of my life
disappearing john
girl in greenwood
green mountain country mama
head nurse
i've had such a wonderful life
into the unit
it shouldn't happen in healthcare
just livin' the life
just playin'
kisses and compliments
livin large
march of the platypi
michelle rules
milliner's dream
misadventurous melissa
nurse 2 be
nurse at small
nurse ratched's place
nurse sean
nursing 24 hours a day
orphie the wonder dog
out loud
patty palaver
pixel rn
running with scissors
salad tongs, anyone?
sinus arrythmia
talking rn
the life and times of a labor nurse
the nurse practitioner's place
third degree nurse
travel nursing
39 Posts
Thanks for including me and compiling the list!