Nurse Practitioners............


Specializes in midwifery, ophthalmics, general practice.

just had to post this............ went to the nurse practitioner conference in Bath last week and the hot news is that it is looking hopeful that the title nurse practitioner will be protected!! :balloons: It is proposed that a sub section of the register be for 'advanced nurse practitioners' and those of us who have followed a recognised degree pathway will be able to apply to go on it. In 5 yrs time it will be at masters level.

this means that the end in sight after years of campaign of protection of the title!! its good not just for me and other 'real' nurse practitioners but good for the patients because it ensures that they recieve a standard level of care. the care delivered by a NP trained to degree level is totally different to someone who has undertaken a 3 day course!

ok.. getting off my soap box.


its all true that after additional 5yrs. degree programm there is no doubt that there would be an efficient service delivery, but common, is it going to be a part-time stuff? or how will it be designed.

presently in Nigeria we are fighting 4 d same course. Honestly, nursing needs to be re-enginered and re-invigourated globally.

more responses pls.

tayo. :uhoh3:

I agree that the title Nurse Practitioner should be protected and have read some of your other posts KarenG and understand your sentiments that staff should have appropiate and recognised training to use the title.

I note that you say it would be a recognised pathway, which is encouraging as I come across staff with degree's who plainly do not know what they are doing but can speak the right words.

As an educator I will be intrested in the pathways they decide should be included. I have over the last couple of years being involved in supporting staff who have been completing a qualification to become surgical nurse practitioners, where the assessment of practical skills forms an intergral part of the programme along side the academic learning that needs to take place.

As a final note don't ever get of your soap box when it results in driving up the standards of patient care.

Specializes in midwifery, ophthalmics, general practice.

hi Mike

as far as I could gather.. it is proposed that the NP description put together by the RCN which is based on the international model, will be the core competencies etc. The RCN NP degree pathway will be recognised as I guess will others that are similiar in content. Not sure where people will sit who have done an ultra specialised course such as surgical nurse practitioners.

the consultation document is now out- my boss has a copy. so I need to get hold of it and find out exactly what is says.


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