NP Certification Exams and Pass Rates

Specialties NP

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I have noticed over the past several months that there have been quite a few threads where new grads were having trouble passing their certification exams. I'm not trying to be snarky at all and am honestly quite curious as to why this could possibly be happening. My question is for everyone in general who are NPs or are NP students - did you look into your schools' pass rates on the certifying exams before deciding to attend? I know that was a big part of the decision-making process for me to attend my chosen school, as its pass rate has been 100% (on both the AANP & ANCC exams) since it started its NP programs over 10 years ago.

Maybe this is something those who are interested in becoming NPs should consider looking in to if they haven't already? I'm assuming most of us did when we were applying to our generic nursing programs (re: the NCLEX pass rate), so I wonder if it is the same for NP programs, or are more and more NP students attending certain programs that may not have great passing rates (or they may not even know their schools' pass rates), but are more convenient in regards to access to an NP Program (location, online, etc.)?

Again, not trying to be snarky or mean-spirited, I am just honestly curious.

does anyone know the website i could find for the pass stats? i can't find anything for online NP programs like south university :/

My school's pass rate was in the 90's but this had nothing to do with my enrollment. What's more, I felt like the bulk of the material that I learned or studied for the test came from my preperation for the exam, not from my schooling..

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