

I was wanting to know the "legal" ratio: nurse:patient. so I contacted the Florida Board of Nursing at: [email protected]. This is the reply I got back.... I still think 40 is way too many. Currently I care for 30 residents. Soon to be 32... they are renivating old offices, and turning them into rooms.

Lot's of FUN!!!! :uhoh3: :angryfire :o

Dear Chi,

There is not a law regarding a nurse-patient ratio for acute care

facilities. The only one that I am aware of is one for nursing homes in

chapter 400 of the Florida Statutes. (Says 40 patients per licensed


If you feel that an assignment is not in the patient's best interest for

safety, you can certainly voice your opinion. However, this becomes an

employment issue and so therefore I encourage nurses to communicate

issues like this with supervisors and directors to try to keep nurses

happy and patients as safe as possible.

The Florida Nurses Association has a workplace advocacy program, so you

may want to visit their website at

You also can, if you feel that there is unsafe practice at your

facility, call the Agency for Healthcare Administration hotline at


If I can be of further assistance, please let me know.

Thank you,

Robert W.Johnson

Regulatory Specialist II

Florida Board of Nursing

850-245-4125 ext 3751 Fax 850-245-4172

Specializes in PeriOp, ICU, PICU, NICU.

How terrible. I am sorry about this. When should they be done with the rennovations? Take care and best of wishes.

How terrible. I am sorry about this. When should they be done with the rennovations? Take care and best of wishes.

They will probably be finnished sometime this month. we usually have 3 cnas, on the hall, sometimes 4, on other days just two cnas.... lots of fun...LOADS if ya know what I mean. Talk about running around with your head cut off. :p Sometimes you don't know where to start first. And if "something" happens... a fall, someone gets sick, or codes (yes some are full codes), this requires all of your attention... the others have to wait until I can get to them. Sometimes the supervisor helps... But that depends on who the supervisor is that night... why do I stay? I love the residents, they are like an extended family. And most of the staff are very good to work with, we help each other out... you know what they say, misery loves company. We have a good crew. It dang sure isn't the pay!!! :chuckle ... FL pay scale sucks to say the least. unappreciated at times yes. But my residents love me, and are always glad to see me. WHen I return from my days off they are like Where have you been? Don't leave me again! That is why I stay. :rolleyes:

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