nurse with mono


Specializes in Level III cardiac/telemetry.

I've been exhausted for several weeks, however 3 weeks ago I fell and broke my leg so I was just chalking it up for a while as needing extra energy. When I went back to to the doc for the leg I asked him to run some labwork. Found out yesterday that I have mono. The dr's office cleared me to keep working, just continue to use universal precautions - and no kissing or drinking after patients (eewwww!) I could sleep aaaaalllllllllllll day if given the chance. This summer I'm also taking a class on Tues/Thurs so I worked it out with my manager to only work on Mon/Weds/Fri and not have to do my usual weekend (3 12 hour shifts in a row). I'm still on orientation for 3 more weeks so it's not too big of a deal. Then I have class for 5 hours on Tues/Thurs. Thankfully there's not any homework for the class, just studying. But I'm also getting married in October and trying to plan the wedding. My matron of honor/best friend is helping me so much with the planning but I still have a lot of decisions to make.

Sorry. I guess I just needed to rant. I feel like crap. It sucks.

Sorry to hear about your misfortune. I hope you feel better soon and heal up quick.

Sounds like you have a lot on your plate with the job, school, and wedding! Good Luck! Hugs to you Lana:icon_hug:

Specializes in Nursing Professional Development.

I just want to commisserate. I'm beginning to think I may have mono (again). 4 years ago, I dragged myself around all summer -- blaming my exhaustion on menopause at the age of 48. I thought that slightly warm feeling I often had in the afternoons was a variation of hot flashes. In August, I switched doctors and she did a bunch of lab work just to check things out. As you can guess, I had been walking around with mono all summer!

About 6 weeks ago, I got a new blood pressure medication -- and I have been dragging around ever since. The past 2 or 3 weeks have been really bad. I just want to to rest -- but I don't sleep well most nights because of menopause and because of the meds. I decided that if I don't improve soon, I'm going back to the doctor and having her check it out.

It might just be that the new meds have my BP too low during the day. I take it regularly and it is often around 100/55. But it also might be mono again. Either way, I'm too tired to get much done.

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