NUR 112


How can i sturdy for NUR 112 Health illness concepts?

Specializes in ED.

Nursing courses are largely not standardized school to school, and certainly not state to state. So I, for example, never took "NUR 112 Health Illness Concepts." Best bet for info regarding that specific class at your specific school would be to reach out to students who have already taken it. However, I can provide some basic study tips that I used in every nursing class.

Take notes in class, read the assigned readings (if the amount of reading feels overwhelming then skim through the majority of the readings and focus more on the areas that you feel most unsure or confused about). You can also make flash cards or brain maps for concepts you are having trouble understanding.

When studying try to set a timer for something like 20 or 30 minutes. During that time do very focused studying, no looking at cellphone, no surfing social media, just focus on studying. After the 20 or 30 minutes take a 10 minute break, then start another 20 or 30 minute timer and repeat the process.

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