Published Sep 19, 2004
118 Posts
i am wondering if anyone is employed (or has been/will be) in other settings other than hospital/nursing home/or home care. specifically if people are working for doctor's offices, dental surgeons, health clinics, or even public health.
i am in toronto, and have seen and experienced the fierce working environments across the city--heavy workloads, unfriendly staff, staff constantly bickering, foreign nurses barely speaking english and not getting along with nurses from other backgrounds, and generally nurses not getting along with one's pathetic. after all the hard work i've done to become a nurse, now i'm not sure i want to spend the next 30 years in that environment. clinic work is looking really appealing to me now as it is mainly days and (i think!) this type of environment matches my personality.
i am considering government/public health office type work as well and maybe having a flex hospital job on the weekend.
if anyone is out there and has done or is doing this type of work please email me privately or post...i'd really like your feedback to help me make my decision. i want to know what is out there to know where to focus my job search. any info is more than i've got right now.
thank you!!
p.s. if i have offended anyone (and i hope i didn't because i am just saying what i have seen--please do not post negative comments or feedback...if you really need to vent you can email me privately or simply, keep it to yourself. i am only interested in receiving help from others, not lectures)
Sarah, RNBScN
477 Posts
Personally, I work in acute care (ER,OR,OBS). Friends of mine work in doctor's offices and for some dentist on need. THe pay isn't great but the hours work for them & family. I also have a few friends who work in community not just public health but for CCAC (Community Care Access Centre). HEre, CCAC follows up with patients in the community who need nursing services. They have good hours and are governed by ONA so the wages are comparible to hospital nursing. CPP (Canada Pension) area, a friend of mine works in this area doing desk work and really enjoys it. She has a caseload to follow for individuals who are seeking disability and stuff. She can flex hours off in lieu of time off and such, again hours are great for family life.
Hope this was helpful.