what do you do as NP in an orthopedic pain management clinic?


Specializes in retail.

I am going to be working a part time trial for 3-4 weeks at an orthopedic pain management clinic to see if they want to hire me on full time. I have been there for a few days where the DO just sent me in with a chart and said "go see the patient!". (the usual "training" lol) they still have paper charts right now. these are chronic pain patients mostly. I dont really have ortho exerience but I met the Doc through another clinic (doing Neuropathy Treatment) where he was the overseeing physician for a short time. I was doing ankle block injections and basic neuropathy exams there. He had a PA working there who recently left.

He says he wants me to do initial exams, as well as injections, ie trigger point lidocaine back, neck, shoulders. Not sure if he wants me to prescribe, but a lot of the patients are on Oxy, roxy, xanax, soma, etc, which I haven't dealt with much at all. NP's Cant get a DEA in Florida so it wouldnt be on my license.

Any advice? what do you do as an NP or PA if you work at an ortho pain mgmt clinic?

I'm not sure what he's looking for, but I'd like to learn all I can before I go back.

I know basic exam techniques that I learned from a chiropractor. He said the exams, even for car accident patients, were easy.

thanks in advance!

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