Published Feb 3, 2021
10 Posts
I am obtaining my first license (AGNP) very soon. I am moving to the DC area, I move with the military. I have no idea where to apply for licensure, since DC and two states meet geographically. I've never lived there. We will likely live in DC proper or Virginia, and I will apply all around the DC area (as long as licensure requirements are met). Does anyone live in the area who can recommend how/where to obtain my license? Should I get more than one (DC, VA, MD)? Should I have a job lined up first?
Thank you!!
Neuro Guy NP, DNP, PhD, APRN
376 Posts
I would get a license in DC and at least one of the neighbors, either VA or MD. Consider both if it seems advantageous to you. Inova health system in VA is close to DC and hires NPs. Had a friend that lived in the area that worked for the system and liked it.