NP/ Educator Salaries in CA

Nursing Students NP Students


I am trying to figure out if it makes financial sense for me to go to grad school. I am a RN in CA and already make about 100k/year. I am in L&D and have had several CNMs tell me that nurses make more, but no one will give me actual numbers. I am open to Midwifery (my preference actually), WHNP, and even Nursing Education. The main issue right now are the dollars and cents. Yes, I want more autonomy. Yes, I want to further my career. But, I am a single mom and a Dave Ramsey student so the bottom line has to be in the black for me to be able to go forward and justify the expense of grad school. Can anyone give me some real numbers or point me to information on the web? Thanks!

Hi Juan,

Thank you so much for the link.

Do you know how quickly can you move from each pay step (step 1-15)? Or how many months/years do you need to work to move on to the next pay step? If you have zero experience, do you start at step 1? Thanks so much.

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