
Hello Everyone,

I previously posted this in the Pre-CRNA forum and thought it would be better use to me here...sorry !

I was wondering if there are any NP's who are going back to CRNA school or who have. I've been a nurse 5 years now. Started out in med/surg 2 yrs and then cardiac stepdown 2 years Currently I am in an Adult NP program, but CRNA has always been my dream career. I just started in a cardiac ICU in jan, and by the time i graduate with my NP in 2012, I will have 2 1/2 years of ICU experience. I do need a college chemistry and the GRE and plan to take the CCRN when I earn enough hours. I was wondering if anyone has any advice for me. Do CRNA programs look down at you because of the NP, or is it something that will help me? Any advice is appreciated.


Specializes in Cardiac, Pulmonary, Anesthesia.

As long as you have the ICU experience, no one will look down on you for having you NP. Most will consider it a plus, but (as you probably already know) it is still a good idea to get your CCRN and take the GRE. There aren't very many post master's certificate for CRNA, but you will be able to transfer a few credits to get out of any fluff classes.

I see no problem doing the NP first. No knowledge is wasted and there are so many seats that I'm sure you didn't rob anybody of anything. Better yet, do both. I'm thinking of getting my emergency NP from USA (dual ACNP,FNP cert) and working part time with it just to shake things up.

Hello Everyone,

I previously posted this in the Pre-CRNA forum and thought it would be better use to me here...sorry !

I was wondering if there are any NP's who are going back to CRNA school or who have. I've been a nurse 5 years now. Started out in med/surg 2 yrs and then cardiac stepdown 2 years Currently I am in an Adult NP program, but CRNA has always been my dream career. I just started in a cardiac ICU in jan, and by the time i graduate with my NP in 2012, I will have 2 1/2 years of ICU experience. I do need a college chemistry and the GRE and plan to take the CCRN when I earn enough hours. I was wondering if anyone has any advice for me. Do CRNA programs look down at you because of the NP, or is it something that will help me? Any advice is appreciated.


I am interviewing tomorrow for a CRNA program that just got accredited on Friday. I'm pretty sure they are working on an NP to CRNA Bridge. I don't know if other CRNA programs have this or are working on this. The director is also on the accreditation board as an educator, so I don't know if this is a trail blaze program or not. I will let you know if I find out more tomorrow or in the next couple weeks if I get accepted.

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