Published Mar 26, 2007
9 Posts
I have posted in here before. I am currently a deputy Sheriff. I have banked 5 years in to this profession even after obtaining my Bachelor's Degree prior to this job. Almost three years ago I started having the inclination to go back and get my RN. However, it took up until this point to get up enough nerve and determination to #1. change jobs after having 5 yrs in a profession, #2. getting up enough determination to go back to school.
I am a mother of a 5 mths old daughter and a 6 year old adopted son. I love dealing with children. So I am trying to determine if I want to be a L&D nurse or work in the nursery.
I would really like to leave my current job to at least start out as a CNA so I can be in the nursing field and begin gaining some experience rather than staying in this position and working on getting my license. I would like to put my knowledge to practical application! LOL! But I have numerous questions. So here they are if anyone can provide some insight.
#1. Can CNA's work in L&D or in the nursery?
#2. For those who have obtained a Bachelor's degree and then decided to go back for their RN, did you have to repeat any of our core curriculum from college? Currently the school I would attend stated no. However, they will not allow me to test out of biology. I would have to take it since the last bio class I had was in high school
#3. For those who live in TN, is it hard to find positions within L&D and the nursery?
#4. Is it true that most hospitals opt for hiring LPN's rather than RN's? I have heard this in the past.
#5. Provide me with any assistance or guidance that you might have.
56 Posts
answer to the first question is no I've seen CNA's work in the Postpartum area (recovery after delivery). Most CNA's work in the nursing homes, or agency and retirement homes. Hospital hire RN over LPN's. I guess some else can answer the other questions for you. :)