Not sure to apply for RN school now or later

Nursing Students General Students


I'm trying to apply to 5 community colleges in the bay area. One of them, Hartnell College, just opened up their application for Fall 2021.

The thing is, I'm currently debating whether I should apply or not. I won't have enough money to pay tuition in the middle of the program so I would have to maybe take out a lone. I'm scared this will stress me out because I had to work full time and this is why I didn't pass my previous nursing school program. I was in a ADN-BSN program and flunked out. (This was in Spring 2019 when it happened)

Plus, I hate online classes. I can't focus and theres a likelihood covid is going ot delay that. I haven't taken my TEAS yet so should I still reapply to nursing school?


Specializes in ED.

If you don't think that you are at a point financially where you can complete the program and are uncomfortable with taking out a loan, plus it sounds like you have difficulty with online learning, I would hold off. Why spend the time and effort to reapply only to have to quit or flunk out part way through. Im sure its difficult enough to gain reentry into a program after you have failed one, why risk failing twice. I would wait until you are 100% committed to completing a program before you apply.

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