Northridge Hospital Medical Center

U.S.A. California


NHCM RN Residency application was was due in the last week of April

Has any applicants had a call back yet?


Was just wondering if anybody got offered a position at Northridge Versant Program???

IT seems tO me that northridge is still interviewing. They called a friend of mine for an ICU interview 2 weeks ago and they called me last week for a NICU interview. We both declined because we already have jobs. I hope this helps with trying to figure out where they are in their hiring process.

I interned there for a while. They sort the stack into BSN and ADN piles, and then divide them up by unit. Its actually the Unit directors who looks at the applications to determine who they think is a good pick for their unit. Having an ADN doesn't disqualify you nor does having previous healcare experience. They want a good fit; also, healthcare experience can be a benefit for obvious reasons, but it can be a hinderance if the person has difficulty switching roles. Don't count yourself out if you are an ADN or a BSN with no experience. Also, the residency coordinator is REALLY nice, so don't worry if you feel like you have to call her.

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