UNC ABSN Spring 2012 Applicants?

U.S.A. North Carolina


Just taking a chance to see if there are any other applicants to UNC's Spring 2012 ABSN. There hasn't been a lot of activity on here from UNC applicants, but since we have about a month left I thought we could all get together and be nervous together!

I found out that I have been wait-listed too.. I found it on myUNC.. Anybody having an idea on the statistics for previous years - what percentage of the wait-listed finally got in ? Just checking..


I wish I knew about statistics of past years :( but I guess we will find out. I found out on MYUNC as well, and I was so nervous and flustered that I pushed the accept waitlist button before I had thoroughly read the page, thinking I could access it again. I remember seeing something about 4 steps?? does that ring a bell for you? Also, did you get a letter by mail as well yet? I have been trying not to call the UNC SON office because I don't want to get on their nerves, but I just don't want to miss doing something that might be important. would love it if you have any idea what those steps were...



I just got something in the mail today, but it was from the undergraduate office of admissions stating that I was waitlisted for the January 2012 ABSN. I haven't seen anything from the actual school of nursing. I guess that's all we'll get until we get good news. I did my undergraduate at UNC and while I love the school, admissions is unfortunately not the most organized when it comes to paperwork and answers.

I think I was in the same place as others when I saw the decision up on myunc. I downloaded the "Wait List FAQ" link they had on there, but just skimmed the actual page and then pressed accept. I went back and looked at the link I downloaded and the FAQ list isn't all that helpful :( It basically just says that we'll either hear a yes between now and the first day of classes or our status will be changed on myunc to deny after the first day of classes is over. There's no way to predict how many people from the waitlist will be offered spots and it varies from year to year - some years they get to offer a lot of spots and some years they barely draw from it. They don't rank their waitlist candidates and we shouldn't call the school of nursing to inquire about our standing. And that we shouldn't submit any further materials to add to our candidate portfolio because they will only be reconsidering our original application materials when deciding who from the waitlist gets offered a spot.



You were not alone to click the waitlist acceptance button fast and then not being able to read the contents of the letter.. I was one of them too.. I vaguely remember one of those 4 steps being about submitting transcripts from courses that finish this December.. but seriously, I can't vouch for the validity of that..

Yes, I got a letter by mail yesterday.. It said to keep checking myUNC for updated status..

ceb2784, I guess we have to just wait...

guys, don't give up! keep the faith in yourself !

If anyone hears news that they have been accepted off the waitlist would you please post here? Its killing me to just keep waiting with no news. I would love to know when/if they take anyone from the waitlist.

good luck to all!

I'm on the waitlist too, its frustrating not to know how many are on the waitlist and what our rankings are. I'll be sure to let you know if I hear anything and you do the same! Good luck!!

I still haven't heard anything either, :( it's such a frustrating feeling. but will definitely post if I hear anything. does anyone know how they let you know if you get accepted off of the waitlist?

i would assume that it would be an acceptance package through the mail, but she did say that if it was close to the class start date we would receive a phone call instead.

I too am wait listed. I did find out, although they say the list is not ranked, it is. As far as how many people have been accepted off the wait list in the past, it varies greatly. Anywhere from 0% to 50%.

mymykeeter, when you found out that we were in fact ranked, were they able to tell you what position you are on the waitlist? thanks for posting

Cnoel, I am not sure what I am ranked and was a little worried I might be pushing if I did ask. I will say however, the director K** was nice enough to talk to me about my application short falls. I learned that the reasons I got put on the wait list was because my first essay was not outstanding like my second one and I made a C in stats. Sorry I can't provide you with more information but I would deft call and ask how you might improve your application next go round.

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