Published Oct 11, 2003
Paige Turner RN
88 Posts
Hi all. I have been working noc's for the last month and a half due to restructure. I like the shift and the people but I hate my schedule 3 on 1 off 4 on 1 off 2 on 3 off. I have talked about this with my NM and she doesn't seem willing to readjust it for me. there is a position open on eves .8. should I talk to the NM again (they have a hard time getting people on noc's) or just go with the eve position?
Rena RN 2003, RN
635 Posts
paige, go with what you want to do.
Rena that is just it..........I want a noc schedule that doesn't have me only getting 1 noc off in a row......I guess the question is, since they are always short on nights and it is difficult to get people to sign on for the shift.......should I push the issue?
Todd SPN
319 Posts
This kind of scheduling always irritated me. I have left jobs due to not making progress on getting 2 in a row off. I just don't get it. Especially like you said when they have a hard time filling NOC shifts. Take the better schedule. You always run the chance of them changing your schedule to what you want for say a month and then go back to the one you have now. In the mean time the other postition is gone. Been there.
Tweety, BSN, RN
35,413 Posts
Probably people who made that schedule did it to get the three days off in a row. I'm not one who likes to kill myself for a nice stretch of days off either. I think you should push the issue, but the squeaky wheel gets the grease sometimes. Perhaps if she knows you're so unhappy that you're considering leaving the shift, she'll make an unadjustment.
that is what I am hoping for.......................