Published Jun 17, 2023
Jadyn Myers
1 Post
What happens when a CNA asks for the break down of her assigned group to know all her residents needs in long term care and the nurse refuses to inform her of a NPO resident along with the rest of the information for her assignment? If that results in that resident aspirating or needing medical attention who is held accountable? Should this result in termination due to nurses intentional lack of information? If the resident is not injured due to the CNA being able to tell the signs of someone actively passing and not feeding them shouldn't there still be consequences for the nurse for not working as a team in health care when it's part of the job description ?
Hoosier_RN, MSN
3,968 Posts
I have worked in a few facilities, and usually CNAs report off to each other. I have to wonder why you aren't getting these pieces of info from the prior shift CNA. I could see asking your nurse after that report if there's anything that they feel that you should know, or the nurse giving you this info if the order is received by them. In general, I never had a specific report time set up with CNAs, just made sure to mention any new, unusual, or whatnot before shift care began