No offense please


Hi everyone!

First and foremost i would like to apologize and to tell that i mean no offense to a nurses who work on the medical-surgical floors. In fact i respect those nurses for taking that hard work on themselves and doing it perfectly.

Now to the point-is the medical-surgical units are so bad to work in that thats probably the only unit a newly graduated nurse can get a job in?

Any hospital i go and look for a job-L&D doesnt want you, OB doesnt want you, NICU doesnt want you. Med-Surgical? Always welcome. Why is that?

So i wanted to know what kind of patients do you have there?

Can you work on the entirely surgical floor, like after surgery care or pre-surgery. Is it considered medical-surgical?

Now i want to have my career in L&D or pediatrics but because i have no choice i have to accept med-surg. Will this hurt me in the future when i will have a chance to apply for L&D? Wont L&D turn me down because i have no experience in L&D yet but only med-surgical experience?

Thanks a lot everyone and once again, no offense please

Specializes in Transplant, homecare, hospice.
i wish all new grads could get there feet wet doing a yr in med-surg.i believe it gives you a great far as l+d goes i would think the manager would be happy to have an in hospital transfer than a new nurse to train because you will already have a proven track record.however,with the nursing shortage my hospital is even taking new grads to open hrt recovery,never was like that before....

I totally agree. I wish I had some foundation before I started transplant. I learned things backwards...imagine learning the importance of a drug before you learn how to operate the machine that pushes it! :chuckle :rolleyes: That would be a good example....Makes for more stress....

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