Published Jun 4, 2018
22 Posts
Hi guys. I just applied to a nursing program and am wondering (if accepted) how hard will it be for me to find employment upon graduation with no experience? Has anyone recently graduated from an associate degree nursing program and found immediate employment with no previous experience in the field? Thank you for your time.
llg, PhD, RN
13,469 Posts
A lot will depend on where you live. What is the job market for new grad ADN's in the particular region where you live? In some places, it is good and you may have no problems. However, in other areas, it is very difficult for a new grad ADN without experience to get a job.
It may also depend on the type of ADN program you are going to. Is it highly respected in your region? Where do most of the new grads from that particular school get jobs?
It also depends on the type of job you will be seeking. Do you care what type of facility you work in?
Finding a job is a very individual issue that depends heavily on a lot of particular factors. You need to assess each factor in order to adequately assess your chances. I recommend that you do a thorough job of assessing those things -- and them make plans accordingly to give yourself the best chance of landing the type of job you want.
Good luck!
Thank you. I live in the metro Atlanta, Georgia area. I am applying to Georgia State University (Perimeter College) which is the 4th top ADN program in the State according to Nurse Journal 2018. I am not particular about what facility starting out.
Queen Tiye, RN
239 Posts
Your formal education and clinical experience count. If you create a functional resume, a resume that highlights what you learned and the skills you used in nursing school, you will be sure to land a job.
Thanks for that tip Queen Tiye.