Nln Prep Book

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


I am taking my NLN Exam in January and I would like someone to advise me which book is the best to prepare myself. I could not fine anything good online. Thank you.....

I recently took the NLN and used this review book:

The practice tests were very similar to the actual exam. I have always had strong vocab/reading and math scores so I mainly focused on the science section. The review portion for the science was really helpful - I just focused on the terms and concepts in the book rather than trying to brush up on every single little detail. Most of the science questions were based on topics that were in the review guide from what I remember of that section.

Thanks for the quick reply witty_online_moniker ! I've heard this multiple times, however, others also said the science portion of the NLN was a lot more difficult that the practice exams from the book. In terms of physics, the book doesn't really go into much detail. So, I'm a little worried.. :crying2:

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