NLN Pre-entrance Exam for LPN Program


Has anyone taken the National League of Nursing pre-entrance exam? I was wondering how difficult it was. I bought the study guide so I am hoping I do well on it. I am going to start nursing school in the spring as long as I pass the exam - just a little nervous since I graduated HS in 1998 then I went to college for interior design which is totally worthless. Any advice would be great! Thanks.

I graduated highschool in '92 and went on to get a degree in graphic design '97. I know where your coming from. So, let's take a look at your strengths. Do you have all your pre-reqs completed? How are you in sciences? I can't stress the sciences enough I had the added benefit of AP sciences in highschool and originally going to college for marine biology. How are your grades? As far as the NLN pre-exam it's no different than any other performance exam. There are specific science questions, mostly chem and bio, but if you lliked the sciences in highschool then you be fine. Get the NLN study guide and you should do fine. Nursing is a science and an art. And as an interior designer grade you already have half of what it takes. The more pre-reqs with high grades+a high score on the NLN gives you all you need. Hope this helps...:eek:

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