Published Jan 2, 2009
57 Posts
I am new to being a Clinical Educator (2 months!) and we are also a new LVN program (only 1 graduated class). We were turned down from a clinical site at a VA hospital due to not being NLN accredited. We have checked out the NLN site and I see the only requirement would be to pay the membership fee of $1000.00?...Is this correct? Do they do any surveying of the school or our testing practices? It seems like that would be in their best interest... I understand that they do research for nursing education but what are the other benefits? We aren't finding too much info on the site and I thought I would just ask around to see what you guys have to say about it...
49 Articles; 5,349 Posts
NLN Membership, as a certification process, is a mark of quality that gives the public and all vested interests (legislators, hospitals or facilities, etc.) confidence that the nursing program is turning out safe, competent nurses. This is the main advantage to NLN certification.
Of course, it is very costly. The $1000 is the annual fee - the start-up fee is much higher. Also, the NLN requires all nursing faculty - even adjuncts - to have a Master's degree. There are other requirements as well. Hope this helps.
iteachob, MSN, RN
481 Posts
NLN membership is not the same as accreditation. Our school (private 4year college; 2 year ADN program) is an agency member of NLN. We are NOT accredited (other than the entire college being SACS accredited), although we are in the process of self evaluation for NLNAC accreditation.
As an agency member, yes, the cost is about $1000 ($1020 to be exact; school with 0-50 graduates /year). With agency membership, all nursing faculty would receive member benefits.
The NLN does certify Nurse educators (I am a CNE). For this, you DO have to have a Master's degree in Nursing plus a number of years of experience (that # depends on whether your degree is in Nursing Education or not). That, indeed is a certification process (tough exam).
I guess the most important thing to take from my reply is that NLN membership is not an accreditation process. NLN is the membership organization of nurse educators. The school of nursing accreditation process (NLNAC) is VERY INVOLVED and will take some is a lot of work.
90 Posts
Iteachbob is quite correct! NLN membership is not accreditation. We are doing our self-study for re-accreditation and it takes about a year for a good self-study. We will have a visit from our state board of nursing next year also.
Accredation means that you meet very high standards of teaching, faculty requirements and faculty on-going learning. It can only help your students in the long run.
HouTx, BSN, MSN, EdD
9,051 Posts
I believe that there are currently very few LPN/LVN programs accredited by NLN. Probably because of all the reasons that previous posters have mentioned. I think we only have 2 accredited LVN programs in TX - both are connected to (multiple entry, multiple exit) career ladder programs.
NLN does have opportunities for individual memberships also if you want to become more involved.