Published Oct 25, 2011
fuzzywuzzy, CNA
1,816 Posts
Just wondering if anyone else has this problem... you've worked 8 hours, you're tired, and the oncoming shift has to inspect every toilet and trash can and complain about whatever they can. Today someone complained that there was a paper towel on the floor in one of the bathrooms. This is an independent resident who probably went to the bathroom only a few minutes previously and missed the trash can. In the time it took this CNA to look at it then come out and tell me about it, she could have just picked it up off the floor herself. Then she complained that another bathroom smelled. Um, OK? This is a nursing home. The bathroom in question always smells because the woman who uses it takes meds that give her stinky urine and the smells lingers even after you flush the toilet... it's nothing new.
I am SO tired of this! If you want to micromanage, please come in early to do it! At least that way I can give report without being interrupted 12 times... not that it matters, because usually they're so busy worrying about stupid stuff that they're not even paying attention and they miss important things. And then the next day they complain about that!
It really irritates me because I never do that to 3rd shift. I couldn't care less if they forgot a brief in the trash. What is one more thing... it doesn't matter! And just for the record, I come in on a daily basis and people's dentures are left in their mouth, uncleaned, stockings are in a ball on the floor, unwashed, and stinky wet pads are left in all the chairs... and those things are all the responsibility of 2nd shift- the ones that come in and ***** about freaking paper towels on the floor!
19 Posts
I promise this is my life lol..when i first started working as a nurse assistant this used to fry my nerves..theres always going to be ATLEAST one cna who does this && is going to check under the residents bed and look in the closets and OPEN the residents brief..ask unirrelevant questions..this is 15% the reason why im in nursing school. Kudos.