Night shift transition.


Hey guys,

So I just got my first nursing job in an intensive care nursery! I've been working on day shift for 5 weeks to train, but now I'm about to switch to night shift as that is what I was hired for. I'm also newly pregnant, (12 weeks) so I'm pretty tired to begin with. Back as a new CNA I worked nights and loved it, but that was so long ago and I've gotten so used to day shift that I'm nervous about the transition. Do you guys have any tips on how to make this transition easier and to stay healthy as I grow this little munchkin?


Black out shades and white noise. I also eat a little something before I go to bed because if I wake up hungry it's hard for me to go back to sleep. Good luck!

Currently preggo and almost due. I also work nights.

Take your vitamins! Make sure people know not to bother you during the day when you're sleeping. If you don't have other kids, use this time to sleep and eat well and take care of yourself. Hopefully your partner is supportive.

Not gonna lie though, the hours suck and are rough on the body.

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