Published May 9, 2014
3 Posts
I have been a nurse for 20 years, the last five of which I have been teaching in both PN and RN programs. Recently, I have decided to return to floor nursing (teaching, with a master's doesn't pay very well.) and I am considering the night shift. I am wondering if any of you seasoned nurses can advise me on how night shifts differ, how you cope with the sleep issue, and whether or not you think the pay is worth it. Thank you!
6 Posts
I've only been a nurse for three years and have worked nights for the last one. I thought I was going to hate it and only took the shift because it was a department I really wanted to be in. I'm a morning person and was really worried about staying up all night. I LOVE it. Our doctor teams are smaller at night and because you don't have PT OT RD case management etc around at night you don't have a bunch of stuff interrupting the nursing care you are giving. I also do not miss dealing with extensive family issues (yes they still visit at night but not as much). I work 3 twelve hour shifts in a row and do the following.
Shift one: sleep in to 9 or 10, go to gym, shower, take nap from 2-5. Work.
Shift two: go straight home and go to bed by 0830 am. Wake up around 1630. Work.
Shift three: repeat shift two.
After shift three: go to gym, stay up til about 10 or 11. Take a nap until 13 or 14. Go to bed that night around 21.
Ruby Vee, BSN
17 Articles; 14,036 Posts
There are plenty of threads about coping with night shift. Have you tried doing a search?