Nice to know: on-line payments now available at NVC


The NVC just has announced that it has begun accepting on-line payments. This new procedure should streamline and ease the "Fee Bill" process, although bank fees may be charged for the electronic transfer of funds. Nonetheless this is expected to be better than the current process that only allows certified bank checks or money orders.

The NVC just has announced that it has begun accepting on-line payments. This new procedure should streamline and ease the “Fee Bill” process, although bank fees may be charged for the electronic transfer of funds. Nonetheless this is expected to be better than the current process that only allows certified bank checks or money orders.

It is also impt. to know that although the Ds-230 form can be downloaded anytime by anyone on the US Dept of State's website, a cover letter with a barcode is needed to be submitted together with the Ds-230 form for NVC to process that form and that barcode is only generated and sent to whomever who paid for it (applicant, lawyer, agency, etc...) if the NVC Fee Bill is paid for.

In short, unless the NVC fee bill is paid for and a barcode generated and get sent back together with the Ds-230 form that form is useless and NVC will not process it. The NVC actually do not accept DS-230 forms that has no barcode included with it.

Just making everyone aware of this as it seems that some are confused about it. There is no option of paying later when the visa number comes. The visa fee bill comes first.

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