Nurses General Nursing
Published Feb 19, 2007
2 Posts
Hai everyone,I am a nurse working in General ICU.I am in the process of updating Naso gastric feeding protocol in my hospital.Have you got any suggetion for me!!!:monkeydance: Thank you
435 Posts
Make sure to keep the HOB elevated at 30 degrees.
When giving crushed meds through the NG tube, we can only give one at a time and flush after each.
When turning patient, if we need to lower the HOB, we make sure to press the hold button on the pump while turning.
503 Posts
Vent the tube occassionally throughtout the day because gtube's can cause alot of distress from gas......if a patient is very restless and you cant't figure out why...chances are alot of the time it's because their gtube needs to be vented....
Lots of meds can be dissolved in water without even crushing them up.....phenobarbital, and synthroid tablets dissolve beautifully in a minute, if you give simethicone it works alot better if you mix it in 30 ml of warm sounds weird but trust really really works!
Dilantin doesn't crush up well if it's tablet gets all oily & nasty , & sticks to the med works excellent if it sits for a few hours to dissolve & stirs right up nicely......but that obviously isn't going to work in the hospital liquid should be shaken 100times...(I was told this by a very well respected neurologist) to mix it up well to evenly distribute it or you can have problems with the patients drug levels......and never give dilantin at the same time as other meds because it truly does afftect the levels as should be given alone if possible.......
Good Luck!
cardiacRN2006, ADN, RN
4,106 Posts
Don't forget to check residuals!