Next step - what should it be?


I haven't posted on this forum in a while - mainly b/c I wasn't sure what direction I was planning on taking in my nursing career. However, after working in L&D for the last year with CRNAs and anesthesiologists - I have decided that I definately want to become a CRNA.

During my time in L&D - I still worked hourly in my CCU. I am thinking about going back full time in the ICU - however, I was thinking about doing CSICU rather than CCU. Our acuity in CCU for the last year has been quite low and I really want to work with sicker patients.

I am just afraid that it would be frowned upon to jump around so much by the admissions committees.

I worked two years in CCU before going to L&D - and still stayed hourly in CCU - and probably would still keep up a few shifts a month in the CCU if I went to CSICU.

What do you think? I would probably not apply for another year at least. So that would mean at least two years in the CSICU before starting CRNA school.

Go for it. The CV surgical icu would definitely give you a higher acuity. I don't think the committe would see it as jumping around, I think they would see it as a well-rounded background. Not everyone gets the chance to experience all you have and you have seen maybe the CRNA specialty that you would like to work in.

Good luck

Go for it. The CV surgical icu would definitely give you a higher acuity. I don't think the committe would see it as jumping around, I think they would see it as a well-rounded background. Not everyone gets the chance to experience all you have and you have seen maybe the CRNA specialty that you would like to work in.

Good luck

Thanks for your input. I think that is what i am going to do. I am taking a time consuming class this fall - and so i would probably not start until after that (december i guess) But i think i will get in touch with the nurse manager of the CSICU soon.

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