Published Mar 14, 2012
45 Posts
I'm a student on Mother/Baby and I'm having difficulties with diagnoses. I have a few for mom but I need 3 for baby. This is mom's second child, she was induced and delivered lady partslly today, and baby is breastfeeding well so far. The only abnormal info I have on baby is that the cord was partially unclamped upend delivery and babe lost a small amount of blood. This has since been fixed. Also, the meconium was passed at delivery, and respiratory and NICU were called STAT. From what I know, nothing came of this, and babe is doing fine with his parents on mother baby. I have not done an assessment yet so I need to come up with these diagnoses with only this information. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
20 Posts
I just finished my L&D/Newborn rotation, and here's a few of the dx we used for the newborns that were instructor-approved:
-Risk for infection: newborns immune systems are not fully developed, and therefore are put at high risk for developing infections. This is why hand hygiene is crucial in the nursery. Also, this is why we bath the infants ASAP once the temperature is stable, because any possible bacteria or anything from mom's blood that is on them could cause an infection.
-Risk for ineffective thermoregulation: Babies don't shiver, and the signs of heat loss are harder to detect. When they lose heat, peripheral vasoconstriction occurs (causing acrocyanosis or mottling) and their respiratory effort increases. Check out this article on thermoregulation:
Hope this helps! If i come across anymore that I remember, I'll post it here!