Published Jul 23, 2015
14 Posts
I am trying to think of a nursing diagnosis to use for keeping the baby safe during the hospital stay. I have the goal of "Infant will remain safe during hospital stay" and I have 6 interventions: 1. Match ID bands, 2. Keep unit locked, 3. Transport infant in bassinet etc.. Been racking my brain and using google for a few weeks and cannot figure out what to use for a diagnosis. Any ideas?
NicuGal, MSN, RN
2,743 Posts
Parent education of infant safety ie: workers badges, no co-sleeping, don't leave infant unattended, infant security tag
100 Posts
I like this wording a lot more. I feel like OP's 'interventions' seem a bit like a regurgitation of hospital's policy, and 'following hospital policy' doesn't seem like a good, specific intervention.
I think another way of looking at it (although I'm not sure what your case study/patient's scenario is), is what things keep your patient safe physiologically. Has the baby received vaccinations? You could monitor the vaccination site. Has the mother received lactation help? You could monitor breastfeeding. That's assuming it's a neonate, and I'm not sure of the actual age. But you get my point. Safety is physical, physiological, emotional, etc. And has to do with the mom, too. Is mom having post-partum depression? Are you monitoring for that? Think outside the box!
Knowledge deficit, risk for infection, ineffective thermoregulation, etc.
I think that will work for us. Thanks. We are converting to totally care plan based documentation and this one stumped me.