Newbie with some questions


Hello! I am Christy and I am new. I just recently applied to 2 different acclerated bsn programs. We don't have any direct entry programs locally. UIC has one, but you have to go up to Chicago to do the GEP program and I can't do that. So I am going to get my BSN and then apply to get an MSN. I want to get do both a WHNP and CNM. The UIC program will let me do that I believe. I am 37 years old and originally wanted to go to medical school way back when, but at my age and with my kids being so young I am thinking this route will be better. Anyone know anything about the University of Chicago program? Will I have a problem getting in if I don't have any nursing experience. I was originally planning on trying to get into an MSN program right out of school, but now I don't know. I am starting my pre-reqs in January. I have my bachelors in mathematics. I am hoping that most of my stuff will transfer, but I just don't know. The waiting is killing me because depeding on what they will take and what they won't will make a difference in what classes I have to take. You have to apply so early for these programs. Any practical advice would be greatly appreciated.

Specializes in CVICU, Education Dept., FNP Student.

Just a thought...A University in my area has just started an Accelerated BSN program. It is 15 mts long and is open to anyone who has a bachelor's degree. It might be worth looking into programs like this.


Sounds like your in my neck of the woods. Born and bred in Chicago, that's me. Your plan sounds good, but I want to make another suggestion. Have you ever thought about attending DePaul? They have a direct entry masters program. It's two years, full time. Some of the classes are online. You can even go part time if you wish. They are very flexible. It's a shorter route to advanced practice nursing. I graduated from DePaul's program in 2006. One of the best decisions I ever made. After 6 months of graduating, I started an ANP program and just graduated this past July. Just landed my first NP job and this was my first week. Absolutely love my new NP job so far!

DePaul is a great program because it allows you to go farther in your education in a shorter amount of time.

Just something to think about. :)

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