Published Aug 19, 2004
44 Posts
Hello everyone--this board is such an amazing resource, and has already reinforced my desire to become an L&D nurse. After two high risk pgs., (incompetent cervix), months of bedrest (including 6 weeks hospitalized), two preemies, and two NICU stays, I have learned from personal experience the difference that a nurse can make...and I am eager to provide the same level of compassionate care to moms and babies.
It will be a long road, because my BA was in history and spanish--the only science class I took was astronomy! I am slowly knocking out the prereqs., I know it will be stressful to combine school and family responsibilities, but I am totally passionate and determined to reach my goal...
Thank you all for sharing your experiences here--it is really a goldmine of knowledge.
:) Shannon
20,964 Posts
Welcome Shannon! Read through the archives at your convenience to see what keeps us talking...ask questions as they come up. We are glad to help. I am happy you found us! Good luck in your pursuit of a career in L and D nursing.