New to Staff Development


This week was my first week as a Education Staff Manager. I have been an RN since 2007, but spent most of my nursing career teaching. I am very excited about my new position, however unfamiliarity brings anxiety. I feel as though I am starting from scratch reviewing charts, care plans, progress notes etc. Since the nursing home did not have a educator for a while, I have to inservice the staff on various topics. What creative teaching methods should I use? Where should I go for information? Should I create my own teaching tools? How often do I inservice the staff? Please share with me any information that you think will make me successful in this new position.

Specializes in Dialysis.

Most inservices are computerized now. Silverchair, Care2Learn, etc, so some topics easy to monitor. The last 2 jobs that I did this role, I only did a physical in service when there was critical information to be given. Keep good records, use spreadsheets to manage info and dates to keep it all straight

Thank you very much. This information is very useful.

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