New Set of MMR Titer Needed?


Specializes in OB.

Hello everyone, I'm just starting to look for a new job. My last set of MMR titers were done in 2015. I wonder if I need a new set of titers drawn for a new job.

If you stay in the same hospital, you don't need titers drawn every year right? I may be wrong.

Hello everyone, I'm just starting to look for a new job. My last set of MMR titers were done in 2015. I wonder if I need a new set of titers drawn for a new job.

If you stay in the same hospital, you don't need titers drawn every year right? I may be wrong.

Can't think of a bigger waste of time and resources than drawing titers annually. If you're immune, you're immune. What would be the purpose of requesting them over and over? None. Bring your titers and/or vaccination records with you when you go to employee health for your new job, that's it. And good luck in your search :)

It does seem excessive to draw them annually although immunity can "expire" at least as measured by a titer test report. Some places will accept older titers but you might have to talk to the coordinator to get an older test report approved.

I needed a more recent test report for my job and, rather than dealing with the hassle of a doctor's appointment, I just ordered my MMR titer here.

Specializes in Psych ICU, addictions.
Hello everyone, I'm just starting to look for a new job. My last set of MMR titers were done in 2015. I wonder if I need a new set of titers drawn for a new job.

If you stay in the same hospital, you don't need titers drawn every year right? I may be wrong.

IMO, don't even worry about it until you land that new job. Then the employee health office at your new job will review your immunization records and inform you if you need new titers. And the employee health office will probably run the titers themselves or refer you to the in-house lab for them--you likely won't have to pay for them yourself.

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