NEW SCHOOL RN Needs Advice!


Specializes in Pediatrics.

I just placed a position as a school nurse and will also be teaching H.S. Health Ed.

I am very excited for the new challenge, however I'm a bit nervous about teaching. If there are any school nurses out that that teach and have any helpful advice, I'd appreciate it!

Thanks :-)

Specializes in School Nursing, Public Health, Home Care.

In my state, you have to have certification to teach health. Maybe that's not a requirement in your state. Does your HS have a curriculum for the class? When was the curriculum last updated? Does it conform to the national health education standards? (which you can find on line) Does the curriculum follow a scope and sequence from younger grades? I do "guest speaker" classes in our HS health classes as requested--usually STI unit and a state mandated shaken baby prevention class. If none or few of the above are in place, I would speak with the person who oversees curriculum for some guidance. Are you teaching all sections? or is someone else also teaching the class? There must be something in place already. good luck!

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