New School Nurse!

Specialties School


Hello, fellow nurses. I am new to Allnurses. I have recently accepted a school nurse position and will be caring for students in grades 5k - 5th grade. I have been a substitute school nurse since January but will be transitioning to a full time staff member in August. In addition to being a new school nurse, the elementary school is currently under construction. The hope is that the school will be open in August. Therefore, I will have the opportunity to organize and develop the health clinic from scratch. I am looking for advice from some of my more experienced colleagues. I appreciate your input.

Welcome! Extra nice to see another XY on the boards! Always appreciate a different point of view ;) This place will become your nurse's station- never be afraid to ask anything that comes up. I would not have survived (and so enjoyed) these last couple years without this crew!

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