New RN-Where should I work in hospital?


Specializes in Rehab, peds, GI, Neuro, Endocrine..

Hello! I am set to get my RN and need to figure out what area of the hospital I want to work in. I have been an LPN for 22 years and worked in many different specialties and do have experience in an inpatient Rehab Hospital . I have always had a dream of being an RN in the ER and wanted to hear from other RN's on where they find the most fulfilling and where they work in the hospital. Give me some ideas!!:)

Specializes in Case mgmt., rehab, (CRRN), LTC & psych.

First of all, do you have any offers of employment yet? If not, you may wish to apply to all floors and units that interest you and proceed from there. Good luck!

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