New psych nurse, advice please!

Specialties Psychiatric


Hey everyone, I could use some advice. I graduated in may, boards early June, forensic psych position first week of July. I am VERY new. I wanted psych and love it however I need to know how to keep myself from being pushed around by other staff without being overbearing. I know that pretty much everyone there has more experience than I, however, there is a lot of passive agression and "slight" misdirection. I need to figure out how to let people know that I respect what they have to offer but at the same time I am not there to do what they want, but what I believe is best for the patients and myself, and our safety. There was a pt today that was angry and overly focused on me. I have not been there long enough to build a rapport and could not even speak to the pt without eliciting an extreme response. I was put on as primary one to one when the pt went out of control and was agressive and making suicidal gestures. I felt that it would be better for someone with a relationship with the patient to attempt to verbally de-escalate them. When I voiced this, I was at the end of quite a bit of outright hostility from some of the staff. I don't know if I was out of line and ignorant, or if I should have handled it a different way or what? I did not ask to leave, I simply was ineffective as a primary negotiator and I knew that at least. I want to be effective. I want to do what is right. I would like to be a team player as much as possible while also staying true to my gut. Very lost. How do I establish my footing? I love this job and want to stay that way. So.....please, point me in the right direction?

Specializes in Psychiatry.

Wow. You assume these issues are universal, but it's definitely nice to hear others vent about this stuff, and this forum certainly affords the opportunity. I don't know how some people do it. I work nights, only have to deal with co-workers minimally - other nurses and staff at change of shift or if I come in early or stay late, and a MHW and occasional 1:1 sitters overnight - but I still have similar experiences and feelings. I'm motivated, love my job and the patient population, was elected chair of the unit council (which is a joke, despite my initial enthusiasm and naive beliefs), and have a good rapport with my nurse manager and our in-house psychiatrist (who stays on the unit in his office all night most weekdays writing orders and seeing patients at all hours of the night - bizarre and perhaps unethical, but what do I know). I love this unit - it's a Planetree hospital, and I actually bought out a tuition contract to work here. However, some of the long-standing nurses on both day and evening shifts are intolerable. Awful people with ass-backwards priorities and strong, narcissistic personalities. I would not be able to work any other shift here because of them, and I believe they are responsible for the high employee turn-over rate. No use going into details, you apparently know the drill - ultra passive-aggressiveness, back-stabbing, hyper-criticism over insignificant stuff, laziness, indifference, et cetera. I'm a fairly new nurse and a male, I became board-certified as soon as I was eligible, and I'll be finished with my BSN program soon - these things make me a target. It's not my fault that some of these people have been doing this for decades and that their practice is dated and that they work harder to get out of doing their job than if they actually just did it. It's also not my fault that they are so jaded as to believe that every patient is lying or borderline or intrusive and that advice-giving and relating the patients' issues with their own are the only ways to help these med-seeking malingerers.

More venting: One nurse in particular makes me (and every other staff member) sick. One MHW that I worked with occasionally and myself started a tally of the number of times she said I, me, or mine at change of shift, and it was impressive/disgusting. I confronted her once about talking about me behind my back - she ducked me for a day or two, then when I said it wasn't a big deal and that she should just try to keep my name out of her mouth, her response was perfect and confirmed my impression of her: "Oh, honey, it's okay, I have such high standards for myself and I know I shouldn't expect everyone else to live up to them." She was so sincere that I laughed out loud and had difficulty stopping. She openly says inappropriate, negative, misguided things about each and every patient, but she coaches them when they are being discharged and is mentioned positively in their surveys on occasion. If they only knew. This woman is sick, and despite my nature, I have a hard time feeling sorry for her. I just hope she remains oblivious and has no real moments of clarity or insight about herself.

blakese, I apologize for the rant. I'm also very sorry about your situation. My personal motivation is my family, and my education, and my future in nursing. Although this unit would be ideal if nurses and MHWs had a team mentality, it's simply not possible. I don't see myself staying here any longer than I have to, despite the therapeutic milieu and its potential. It's a shame. As much as I get along with my nurse manager, I think she propagates the issues on the unit that cause good nurses and motivated MHWs to leave, and that she may be incapable of changing the culture here. I hope management recognizes your strengths and contributions, which I would bet are positive and significant based on your posts. Good luck (& sorry again for whining at such length - I almost deleted this whole embarrassing post).

Blakse I stay motivated because I have financial obligations to my family, banks, federal government for loan repayment, etc ;P

Psych is my calling. I go to work, I do my job, and I stay out in the milieu for as much as my shift as possible to be with the patients and away from the mental health workers as much as possible.

The "culture" at our hospital is not going to change anytime soon, and it certainly will take more than me to make the necessary changes. In the meantime I am not going to loose my job...

I could go on, and on...

Take care!!

morecoffeepls, seriously, are you sure we are not coworkers?! :)

I am saddened to say that I am relieved that I am not the only person working in the same environment. I am professionally cordial, and professionally friendly, and professionally helpful, other than that, I am present on the milieu, and do as little personal discussion as possible.

My reality is some of our patients should be staff, and some of the staff should be the patients!

Take care

Coffee!!!!! Oh my gosh! :rotfl: That is so funny!!!!!!! If my coworker had said that I would have either choked or fallen on the floor, peeing my pants, hysterically laughing!!!! I can so hear that coming out of her mouth too. Oh dear.....(wiping tears from my eyes) That is fabulous, funny, and sad. Oh my. I wish I worked with you guys. Actually things are a bit better right at this moment. I have some strong backing around me. My lead nurse is giving very strong very visible support to me and helps immensely. I am really lucky that we have her. I found some coworkers that work other shifts on the same unit that are helping me to fill the gaps in my knowledge and that not only helps my performance, it helps my moral also. It still is no bed of roses, (anybody remember "I Never Promised You a Rose Garden? I think it was the first thing I ever read about mental illness. Fascinated me even when I was 12.) Sorry, sometime the ADD kicks in. Anyhow, no rose garden but there are a few times a shift and am just so glad I am there. I hope we all find our place where we can truly do what makes us happy and be side by side with people who feel the same way. I would sing kumbaya (sp) too but I REALLY cannot sing. I will keep you updated, please do the same. Anybody out near the storm stay safe please. I have family on the Cape so I am going to go glue myself to the weather channel. Talk to you soon.

A little older and wiser and sadder this week. My behind got thrown to the wolves by the management that emphatically insisted she would have my back. Then to throw salt in the wounds my charge came over to ask me if I was okay, when I said "NO", she told me that she understood, they did the same thing to her. First I've heard of that. Warning would have been nice. Can't get any steam behind it right now though. Just so disappointed in the whole system. (and yes you all did warn me) Your story came just in time coffee. I was checking the want ads. Mean people suck.

Just read that and need to clarify. I didn't get fired. Just looking at ads cause I was so discouraged. Coffee's article will be to blame for me clocking in again after my days off. Gotta love the lost people.

Specializes in Psychiatry.

"Coffee's article will be to blame for me clocking in again after my days off. Gotta love the lost people."

Thanks. Sorry? Glad you liked it. Venting on this stupid site helps, especially because your co-workers don't have to hear 3rd-hand how awful you think they are sometimes. And those lost people'll get ya every time.

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